Menstrual Care

HaqSePeriod: Let’s flex periods.

HaqSePeriod: Let’s flex periods.

Story of Karan

When you grow up in a family of strong and successful women with egalitarian ideals, you believe that gender disparities do not exist in society. However, after stepping in the real world you realise that it was a misunderstanding. Similar was the case with Karan, a young boy who started an initiative called Girl Up Crusades. All of the discussions about gender equality had a profound impact on him, and he realised how important it is to effect change. And the only way he could do so was to be the change.

Karan had his fair share of sexism and body shaming, from being called a "mattress" to being bullied for having a lot of "female friends". He always believed that these comments are just not acceptable and need to be called out. As a result, he started Girl Up Crusades. Karan started this initiative with seven other girls who all aimed to call out people on their illogical deductions and contribute change in the society to the best of their capability. When he started with the initiative, a lot of people questioned his masculinity because apparently standing up for girls and women made him a "lesser man." Moreover, being a feminist meant that he “hated all men”. However, these comments only served to motivate him even more. 

Menstruation is a topic that is not widely discussed in our country. As a result, menstrual hygiene is completely ignored. GU Crusades aims to change this situation and is collaborating with Haqq se Period for a pad distribution drive to educate people. It is important to make people realize the importance of menstrual hygiene. These pad distribution drives with Haqq Se Period and Raho Safe will definitely help a lot in fighting taboos and stigmas that exist in our country.

One change that he made in his life is to carry a pad wherever he goes. When he handed a pad to one of his friends when she was in need, it led to a lot of questions. But that’s exactly what he’s after: conversation. These conversations give him the opportunity to break gender stereotypes. This is his way of bringing change and he hope people join him onto this campaign of #mencarrypads.

If one wishes to see a change, they have to be the change. While others refrain from talking about menstrual hygiene, it’s time to start a conversation. People need to raise their voices as it is the only way for others to stop whispering about it.


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