Menstrual Care

7 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Their First Period

How To Prepare Your Daughter For Her First Period
Preparing Your Daughter for Her First Period

Period conversations have always been a hush-hush topic since ages. While many are uncomfortable talking about periods we must not forget the importance of it. Good parenting comes along with responsibilities of educating your children about their bodies. 

Puberty can be intimidating for your children, as their bodies physically and mentally undergo changes. They might be confused and scared about the changes happening around them. 

It is then that you need to prepare your daughter for her first period.

How To Prepare Your Daughter For Her First Period?

To begin with, it is of ample importance that you have free-flowing period conversations with your daughter. The idea of blood oozing out of your vagina might seem scary at worst for first-timers, it is a great idea to be comforting with words and actions. Be more accepting and soothe your daughter as her body prepares her way to her first period.

Choose the Right Time or Place

As parents, you know your child the best, choose a time and place where your daughter is most comfortable and relaxed. Use storytelling or other methods to form an emotional connection and initiate period conversations. Since it is about her first period, talk in a way that suits her age, do not delve much into the scientific aspects of it. Keep your explanations simple and do not overwhelm her with information. 

Talk To Her About Periods 

Explain to your daughter what period is and why it happens. Keep her informed about the changes that her body will go through every month during her periods. Let her know about the symptoms such as bloating, period cramps, sore breasts, etc. Most importantly, teach her that menstruation is a normal occurrence and there is no shame attached to it. 

Tell Her About First Period Signs 

It is a good idea to start talking early about periods so that your daughter is more prepared. Discuss first period signs such as wetness on underwear, discomfort, vaginal discharge, fatigue, and more. 

Explain Her The Products

Make your daughter aware of the various available products that can be used. It is important to discuss with your daughter and find out what works best for her. Demonstrate to her how to use products and teach her how to change them as well. It is a good idea to equip your daughter with period products, keep a pad or tampon in her backpack or in a place easily accessible to her.

Teach Her How to Track Periods 

Once your daughter starts menstruating let her know that it is a monthly occurrence and happens typically at an interval of 25-28 days, depending upon her body and hormonal changes. Introduce her to period tracking apps or calendars to help her track periods.  

Prepare Her On How to Deal With Periods 

Managing periods can be difficult, especially for first-timers. Teach her calmly about dealing with periods, changing menstrual products, menstrual hygiene, and more. Prepare her for situations of unannounced periods and how to deal with it. 

Make Her Feel Comfortable 

It is of utmost importance that you make your daughter feel warm and comfortable while discussing changes in her body. Let her know about social constructs that make menstruation seem impure and empower her to rise above it. Do not let periods affect her self-esteem, allow her to process her emotions and feel content with her body. Be kind and accepting to questions that she may have and answer them patiently. 


The first period comes along with fear, anxiety, confusion, and a bunch of mixed emotions. As your daughter undergoes such emotional and physical changes accompanied by uneasiness, it is important to be loving and caring. Make her feel comfortable in her body and do not associate any shame with her. Allow her to feel empowered and not hide away by encouraging open conversations around periods. Be her confidant and make her feel loved and celebrated. To know more visit the Pee Safe website. 


✍️ This article was curated by Manisha Shah

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